Bruce Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo is arguably Pixar's most famous film, alongside the Toy Story franchise. Many people say their favorite character from the movie is Bruce, the friendly yet easily-food-triggered Great White Shark, even though he doesn't get as much love as some of the other lovable characters (looking at you, Dory).
Though his biology often acts as a hurdle, Bruce tries to be the friend of other sea creatures, even going so far as running a fish-friendly shark support group.
Today, we're going to show some love for Bruce and explore what makes him one of the best characters in Finding Nemo/Finding Dory.
Finding Nemo Bruce Quotes
"I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food."
"It has been three weeks since my last fish, on my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup."
"Today's meeting is Step 5: Bring a fish friend. Everyone brought a fish friend?"
"So, what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late?"
"There was this mollusk, and he walks up to this sea cucumber. Normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers, but in a joke, everyone talks. So the sea mollusk says to the cucumber..."
Who Plays The Voice Of Bruce In Finding Nemo?
Barry Humphries plays the voice of Bruce in both Finding Nemo and Finding Dory.
What Type Of Shark Is Bruce?
Bruce is a great white shark, while his partner Chum is a Mako Shark.
Was Bruce Named After Jaws?
Steven Spielberg named the original model for the shark in Jaws (1975) after his lawyer, Bruce M. Ramer.
What Kind Of Accent Does Bruce From Finding Dory Have?
Bruce is a descendent of Australia. He is voiced by Barry Humphries, who is also from Australia.
Does Bruce Appear In Finding Dory?
While Bruce doesn't appear in the Pixar sequel, Finding Dory, Marlin mentions his name and Chum and Anchor to Nemo during a short dialogue.
Does Bruce Appear In Any Other Pixar Movies?
In the first iteration of The Incredibles, you can see a framed photo of Bob on a fishing trip hanging in his home. The picture shows Bob standing next to Bruce, who he had just captured.
You can also find him in emoticon form in the As Told by Emoji short story series.
Fun Facts
During the chase scene in the original movie, Bruce partially breaks through the submarine door. As his head pokes through the small opening, he screams, "Here's Brucey!" This line is a reference to the 1980 film, The Shining, by Stanley Kubrick.
In The Shining, Jack Nicholson's character pokes his head through a small opening in the door that he made with an ax and shouts, "Here's Johnny!"
Bruce unfortunately never knew his dad. Great White Sharks often never care for their children in the real world, as they can take care of themselves right away.
When Bruce's hungry instincts kicked in, he began chasing down Dory and Marlin. In real life, a Great White Shark would not have wasted any energy on a blue tang or a clownfish, as they would not have been able to provide the necessary sustenance to keep him going. In fact, he would have likely taken to his two shark buddies. While it isn't uncommon to see Great Whites eating fish, they are known to eat other sharks and even their own species of shark. So, what else do sharks eat? Click the link to find out!
In Bruce's massive shark smile, you will find 202 teeth! The animation team noted that each tooth could be animated individually.
The group that Bruce runs with his two shark friends is a play on Alcoholics Anonymous.
The post Bruce Finding Nemo appeared first on Surf Researcher.