We are happy to announce that we have an international addition to the CSR team!
Ana was born and raised in San Sebastian, Spain. Graduated for International Business and Entrepreneurship by the University of Deusto in 2014.

“Since I was a kid, I have been a person that felt really close to the ocean and tried to enjoyed in all possible ways; sailing, swimming, surfing, etc.
I also enjoy traveling around the world and learning from other cultures. I believe those are some of the reasons that woken up my environmental awareness and consciousness about the importance of sustainability.
I was previously involved at WiLDCOAST an international non-profit environmental organization that conserves coastal and marine ecosystem and wildlife.
I got to know the Center for Surf Research through collaboration with the surfing cluster of the Basque Country. Being selected amongst other graduates to be able to come to San Diego and experience first-hand and help out in the different amazing projects they were working on at SDSU. Therefore, being able to know better the differences and similarities of the surfing industry in the Basque Country and California and look for synergies where projects and support could emerge.
With my international and marketing oriented education I would like to contribute to promote and create brand awareness about companies and people that with their unique approach create value in a more sustainable manner than the average. We are driven to work for an industry and sport we care about to conserve and improve every single part that makes it so special.”
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